After Parties
Bars / Taverns
Dinner Events
Hospitality Suites
Nite Clubs
Nite Clubs
Corporate Events
VIP Parties
- Product Launches
Company Parties
Awards Banquettes
Influencer Collabs
Private Events
Birthday Parties
Resort Shows
Dates listed are for ticketed events and public appearances, exclusive shows and private events are not shown. Scroll within the calendar to see all upcoming dates.
For information on bringing Dan Sperry to your event or venue please contact him
right now via the form below.
Dan Sperry is in high demand for tours and appearances around the world so availability is limited.
Call/Text or E-Mail below any time to get in touch with Dan directly and discuss show options / packages and to reserve your event in his calendar.
CALL / TEXT TOLL FREE: 855-956-2442